The Award
The Marshall Sklare Award is given annually by the ASSJ to a senior researcher who has made a significant scholarly contribution to the social scientific study of Jewry through the publication of a body of research in books and articles or of published work of significance to public policy.
The Sklare Award recognizes scholars throughout the social sciences, and whose work focuses on Jews, not only American Jewry. Over time, we have tried to cover the range of disciplines in our organization.
Awardees do not need to have been active in the ASSJ, but they are asked to join if they are not currently members. The award is not for service to the profession or to the ASSJ. Candidate nomination must be presented by colleagues, the ASSJ will not accept self-nominations.
The award has most often been based on a corpus of work that has been on the cutting edge of Jewish Studies throughout the recipient’s research/scholarship. The awardee should have reached great heights in the profession, without prejudice to the possibility of continuing to achieve more in the future.
Our collective decision-making process is committed to avoiding gender bias, both in the nominations and in their evaluation. We have not required that recipients be well known or have influence beyond their own discipline, although that could be considered a plus.
Past Awardees
1992 Sidney Goldstein, 1927-2019, US (demography)
1993 Seymour Martin Lipset, 1922-2006, US (political sociology)*
1994 Celia Stopnicka Heller, 1927-2001, US (history, sociology)
1995 Daniel Elazar, 1934-1999, US-Israel (political science)
1996 Samuel Klausner, 1923-2021, US (sociology)
1997 Walter Zenner, 1933-2003, US (anthropology)
1998 Bernard Reisman, 1926-2011, US (communal service)
1999 Sergio DellaPergola, Israel (demography)
2000 Charles Liebman, 1934-2003, US-Israel (political science)
2001 Calvin Goldscheider, US (sociology and demography)
2002 Jonathan Sarna, US (history)
2003 Samuel Heilman, US (sociology)
2004 Egon Mayer, 1944-2004, US (sociology)**
2005 Elihu Katz, 1926-2021, US-Israel (communication)
2006 Deborah Dash Moore, US (history)
2007 Barry R. Chiswick, US (economics)
2008 Paul Ritterband, 1930-2010, US (sociology)
2009 Charles Kadushin, 1932-2022, US (statistics, sociology, social networks)
2010 Steven Cohen, US-Israel (sociology)
2011 Riv-Ellen Prell, US (anthropology)
2012 Leonard Saxe, US (social psychology)
2013 Morton Weinfeld, Canada (political science)
2014 Sylvia Barack Fishman, US (social science)
2015 Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett, Canada (performance studies)
2016 Bruce Phillips, US (sociology)
2017 Judit Bokser Liwerant, Mexico (political science)
2018 Arnold Eisen, US (history of religious thought)
2019 Harriet Hartman, US (sociology)
2020 Arnold Dashefsky, US, and Chaim Waxman, US-Israel (sociology)
2021 Ariela Keysar, Israel-US, and Barry Kosmin, US (social demography)
2022 Debra Renee Kaufman, US (sociology)
* The first year it was called the Sklare Award.
** Posthumously.
Nomination Process
Only current ASSJ members may submit nominations.
1) Nominations should be submitted using the form below. This form requests specific information about the nominee, his/her scholarly record, and his/her contributions to the field.
2) Nominations should be submitted to the two following emails address:
[email protected]
[email protected]
3) Please do not use the ASSJ listserv to submit nominations, endorse nominees, or discuss the relative merits of various nominees.
Nomination Deadline: Nominations must be received by Friday April 29, 2022.
The Award recipient will be determined based on a vote of the ASSJ Board.
The Sklare Award Ceremony and Lecture
The Sklare prize will be awarded at a special ASSJ plenary session during the Association of Jewish Studies annual conference. The awardee will give a keynote lecture, and two or three other experts of relevance to the awardee’s scholarly work will follow with short responses. The lecture and responses will be published in the ASSJ journal Contemporary Jewry.
Nomination form
Please send this information in an email attachment:
1) Name of Nominee:
2) Nominee’s Current Position (or most recent position if retired):
3) Nomination Submitted by (name and current position):
4) List of Representative Publications:
(Complete as relevant)
5) Conceptual/Theoretical Contributions:
6) Methodological Contributions:
7) Public Policy Contributions:
8) Educational/Pedagogical Contributions: